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- katy cooking classes - cooking classes houston - team building cooking classes - pasta making classes - kids cooking classes



Everything is customizable. If we don't have anything booked, we can change the start time. If you don't see a date available text us at 832-919-5345 to confirm. We may be able to accommodate you. Any date and time can be changed to private and changed to any class you would like to take. Please reach out so we can put it together for you.

832-919-5345. We don't have a minimum. Many classes and options to choose from. We have classes every day and sometimes people don't book so we take the class off. So, if your trying to book same date TXT 832-919-5345 to confirm we don't have a class going.




Thank you for thinking of hosting your celebrations at Danjoy’s Homemade Pasta. The time allotted for your celebrations is 1 to 2 hours depending on package. This time includes preparations and decorating any way you like, putting on aprons, washing hands, class time, eating (if applicable) and cake celebrations. 

As the space is limited, only the hosting parents for the birthday celebrations can be in the room. Everyone else inside the classroom will be assumed to be participating and charged as such. If parents want to stay but not participate in the pasta-making they can eat for $10/person.


Kids Pasta Shapes Party Packages: Minimum of 4 to book


Time allotted 1 to 2 hours (Includes eating time) 


You can bring and decorate anyway you want. This is a dining experience allowing you the opportunity to host a party, family gathering or fun outing in a private setting while being fed. Perfect for those looking to just eat and use the space to your liking. 


 ·     $40/person

You will roll garganelli pasta by hand with dough that is premade prior to class. Lunch is NOT included in this package. The pasta shapes you make you get to take home; each person will make enough to feed two people and roll anywhere from 50 to 100 depending on their rolling skills.

·     $55/person

Same details as the package above but lunch/dinner is included, which will take place after class. We will make the pasta for you to eat with either our famous red sauce or white sauce. You can also bring and decorate anyway you wish. Cake eating time included. We provide plates and silverware. Plenty of pasta and sauce for everyone to take home as well.

          We have options to add protein, salad and bread.


·     $75/person

Same details as above plus (Pasta Shapes and Cavatelli Pasta)

Each person will have their own station and ingredients to make Cavatelli pasta dough from scratch and cut the dough using the cavatelli machine to make the noodles. A delicious pasta meal is included. We will make the pasta from scratch for you to eat with a red or white sauce. The pasta you make you get to take home; each person will make enough to feed two people. (Crowd Favorite) 


Additional Group/Team Building/Adult Party Classes offered: 

(Minimum 4 people for this class)


Time allotted 2 to 3 hours (Includes eating time)


·         $75/person - Two different doughs from scratch!

Groups of 2 make 2 different doughs from scratch, you make the cavatelli pasta above and an egg pasta using the volcano method that can be stretched out to make garganelli, spaghetti or fettuccine! Each pair will make enough to feed 6 to 8 people. The pasta you make you get to take home and we feed you after class! (Minimum 4 people for this class)


·         $100/person, Raviolis and Tortelloni

Each person makes the pasta using the volcano method and you will make a savory filled pasta consisting of prosciutto, ricotta, and roasted garlic. Each person makes enough to feed 2 to 3 people. We can customize the filling for you and get additional ingredients like mushrooms, spinach, etc (No cavatelli making in this class)

Option to add cavatelli pasta add $25/person) (Minimum 4 people for this class)


·         $100/person Ricotta and Spinach Gnocchi

We make ricotta and spinach gnocchi. The gnocchi’s you make you will eat after class with a choice of red or white sauce to accommodate.

            Option to add cavatelli pasta add $25/person) (Minimum 4 people for this class)



·         $100/person, Pasta101, Sauces & Cavatelli (Minimum 4 people for this class)

Each person will make Cavatelli Pasta, The egg pasta by hand and in groups of 4 to 5 make fresh pasta together from scratch using a KitchenAid mixer. As a group, you will make either red sauce or white sauce. The pasta you make you get to eat after class. (Crowd Favorite)  (Minimum 4 people for this class)



Shared Station (Two people working together) These classes we use the Kitchen Aid Mixer

Time allotted 1.5 to 2 hours (Includes eating time)

        $200/two adults Pasta 101

Perfect for date night – You get to pick to if you want to make garganelli, spaghetti or fettuccine pasta! What you make you get to  take home and we feed you

       $250/two adults Pasta 101 and sauces 

Perfect for date night – You get to pick to if you want to make garganelli, spaghetti or fettuccine pasta! You also make a sauce from scratch and eat what you made after class! 

 (Crowd Favorite)

$200/one adult and one child under the age of 13 sharing one station


We provide aprons, hair ties if needed, plateware and utensils, wine glasses and wine openers – all classes are BYOB.

Additional add-ons are available upon request such as protein, salads, appetizers and desserts.


At the time of securing the date, we will require a deposit. The remaining balance can be delivered two days before the event and can change the headcount to add more up to 24 hours prior to the event date.


Now Hiring Pasta Teachers Text 832-919-5345

Commercial Kitchen available for rent. 832-919-5345

Want to rent our venue and have it like burger king? (Your way) Text 832-919-5345

WE CATER!!!!! 832-919-5345


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